I’m In Control

 I’m In Control

Once upon a time, in a busy big city nestled in the suburbs of innocence, there lived a Mr. Fred. Unbeknownst to anyone, this person possessed an uncanny ability to disguise their dark intentions beneath a mask of charm and affection. He thrived on control and craved the attention of their chosen target, like a puppeteer pulling the strings of a marionette.

At first, Mr. Fred intentions appeared innocent. Mr. Fred showered his unsuspecting prey with adoration, ensuring they were the center of attention. But as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, the sinister nature of their desires began to unveil itself.

Mr. Fred grew jealous, with every passing day, of the connections their target shared with their family and friends. He saw these relationships as potential threats to their dominion over their prey. Driven by their insatiable desire for control, Mr. Fred embarked on a journey of intrusion, preying upon the digital footprints their target left behind.

Mr. Fred meticulously checked social media accounts, stalking his prey's every post and comment, deciphering hidden meanings like a codebreaker on a quest. No email or message escaped their insatiable curiosity, as they trawled through virtual correspondence in search of evidence that his victim may be straying.

Mr. Fred relentless pursuit of power was further exemplified through intrusive phone calls. Whether his target was out exploring the world or hard at work, Mr. Fred seized every opportunity to demand knowledge of their whereabouts. His inquiries masked beneath casual pretenses, leaving the victim unsure whether to question Mr. Fred intentions or dismiss them as a harmless concern.

Days turned into nights, and nights bled into weeks, as Mr. Fred web of manipulation continued to tighten around their unsuspecting prey. Every moment became a prison, a life lived under constant surveillance, shackled by the invisible chains in Mr. Fred control. Each decision made was tainted by fear and apprehension, a constant second-guessing of one's own actions.

But every story, no matter how sinister, possesses a glimmer of hope. As Mr. Fred the sociopath reveled in their manipulative dance, he failed to notice the embers of defiance quietly burning within his target. It was this flicker of courage that ignited a fire within their soul, urging them to break free from Mr. Fred toxic clutches.

One fateful day, the target found the strength to confront their tormentor, stripping away the veneer of normalcy Mr. Fred had crafted so skillfully. The truth was unveiled, exposing Mr. Fred true nature to the world. As the darkness dissolved under the harsh light of truth, the chains that once bound their prey were shattered.

In the end, Mr. Fred relentless pursuit of control became his downfall. Through his actions, he not only pushed his target away but also laid bare his twisted soul for all to see.

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s

Wellington’s 3 Publishing’s presents Wellington’s Short Story Collection and Wellington Best Stories Writing is truly a labor of love for me and I take great pleasure in being able to create meaningful stories and to have them published. I look forward to sharing more of my work with the world in the coming years.

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